Achievements of our troop

Congratulations to our newest eagle Scouts Christain Dixon, Robby Fantegrossi, and Henry Chilcoat!

Read this great story about our own Evan Eifling:

Our own Nate Dranoff wrote a letter to the Arkansas Democrat Gazette for his Communications merit badge, and it was published. Well his note sparked the interest of an editor who decided to feature it this week. Not only did they appreciate the content of his letter, they were impressed to have an eleven year old writing in to express such a mature opinion. The editor presented a counterpoint that sparked a healthy debate among the commenters. Take a minute to read the piece today -

Great job Nate!

One of the great rewards of Scouting is the meaning and purpose we all get from being connected to something bigger than ourselves. There are many ways to attain these meaningful connections. You can be active in your religion and with a church like our charter organization, St. Paul United Methodist, or like Second Baptist downtown; you can be an active member of your community by volunteering; you can also participate in national politics by expressing your opinion in a public forum like Nate did. Remember last September when Troop 30 picked up trash on the roads around Lake Nixon and we found the Lake Nixon mascot and pet, Sandy? On that day you were participating with your Troop and Scouting, you were serving your community, and your were helping out Lake Nixon, a generous organization that partners with Troop 30 on many projects and events. You might not have realized it at the time, but you were also participating in a much larger effort to pick up one million pieces of trash, organized by a Scout named John-Aaron Bozanic from California as a Messengers of Peace project. Read more about that here -

Over Spring Break, several scouts went to the AR foodbank and volunteered there.